
Digital Transformation with Kodist: Part 1

Hello Istcode readers! I am Kodist. Welcome to our blog series where we will dive into the depths of the digital world together. Today, we will talk about how digital transformation affects the business world and our lives. 

Today, many people communicate with customers and companies in methods where one or both of them are losing. Our topic is 'digital transformation'. Our aim is to teach you some skills that you will use in both your business and private life. It is also debatable that keeping up with digital transformation achieves success in every person. One of my wishes for you is to use this information you will learn to live your life more excitingly and powerfully. While learning digital transformation, you will learn more than taking your company or career one step further. You will learn why you need to learn it and how to use it.

Digital transformation will determine how you will use your new skills. As you read this blog post, you will see how the industry works. You will realize how those who adapt to digital transformation rise. You will become more confident. You will be happier when you see that you can control your destiny rather than being a hostage in someone's chess game.

What is Digital Transformation?

First of all, what do we mean when we say digital transformation? I know you all have a certain idea in your mind. But let's look at it from my perspective. Digital transformation is not just about getting involved with new technologies, writing a little code, manage social media not. Digital transformation means adapting everything from the way of doing business to the way of reaching customers to the digital age. And it is happening so fast that if you can't keep up, you won't even notice that the train has already left.

So what does this transformation bring to us? How ready are we? This is where agencies like Istcode come into play. Our job is to help companies adapt to these rapid developments. Because it is very easy to get lost in the digital world. Wrong strategy, outdated technologies or not being able to follow trends; will leave you and your business behind. Let's talk a little more specifically. Imagine you are a business owner. You have been reaching your customers the same way for years. But things have slowed down recently. You have to step into the digital world but you don't know where to start. Here, we support you to make your business strong in the digital age and to help you find your way in the digital labyrinth. 

Why Should I Keep Up with Digital?

Şimdi biraz rakamlardan bahsedelim. Dijital dönüşümün etkileri hakkında yapılan araştırmalar gösteriyor ki, 2023 itibarıyla işletmelerin %87’si dijital dönüşüm projelerine yatırım yapmış durumda. Yani dijitalleşmek artık bir tercih değil, zorunluluk haline gelmiş durumda. Rakipleriniz zaten bu dönüşümü başlatmış olabilir. Siz de geride kalmamak için hızlı hareket etmek zorundasınız. Teknoloji sürekli gelişiyor ve yeni fırsatlar doğuyor. Ancak bu fırsatları yakalayabilmek için doğru rehberliğe ihtiyacınız var. Aslında bu blog’ları tam da bu yüzden yapıyoruz!

So what does digital transformation add to individuals? It offers incredible opportunities not only to companies but also to individuals. For example, employees who can adapt to technology can rise faster. For example, let's say Deniz is an employee who is a little cold towards technology. While his company adapts to digital transformation, he is stagnating. However, if he could read blogs and follow digital developments while sitting at home after work, then brand new doors would open for Ahmet. In other words, digital transformation is not only a necessity, it is also a world full of opportunities.

So is the importance of digital transformation limited to our business? Whether you are a company or a Deniz, adapting to the digital world will always keep you one step ahead. Even just 15 minutes a day of learning about the digital world will put you a few steps ahead in the knowledge race. And this race continues constantly. The moment you stop, you fall behind, never forget that.

How Do I Make My Company Digitally Visible?

Yes, so far we have explained what digital transformation means, what you should and should not do against digital transformation. Now it is time for some tips on how to survive in the digital world. First of all, you should develop the habit of continuous learning. There is a new development in technology and the digital world every day. Following podcasts, blogs, and online training is one of the best ways to keep yourself up to date. Second, use the right tools and technologies. If you want to adapt your business to the digital age, it is essential to use the right software and strategies. Third; trust yourself and do not be afraid of this process. Digital transformation can be challenging, but it also offers you great opportunities. It is up to you to evaluate these opportunities.

Yes, dear readers, the subject of digital transformation is such an important and broad area. In short, digital transformation is a subject that you will always need in your academic career, business career or daily life. 

As you read our blog posts, think about the strategies and techniques that people who are fully adapting to the digital world use to get you to buy their products. How are your colleagues adapting to the digital transformation? How is your family affected by the digital transformation? How much will you change when you adapt to the digital transformation? How will you use them to keep your life more organized and controlled? When you understand the current industry and use it correctly, not only will your life change, but you will also leave an impact on the people you are in contact with, even in everyday things.

We have come to the end of our blog post titled “Digital Transformation with Kodist”. Thank you for reading up to this point. We have also voiced this blog post and made it into a podcast. Our podcast Spotify And From Soundcloud You can listen. Also, if you have any questions you want to ask, istcode.com You can reach us at. I am Kodist, hope to see you, goodbye!