Digital Advertising Types

Advertising is a sector that has been involved in our lives centuries ago. The first examples of advertising can be found in the Middle Ages and even in archaeological excavations. Advertising, which started in primitive times, turned to traditional advertising within television over time. With the introduction of the internet into our lives, the world order began to become digital. Thus, the advertising industry moved from traditional advertising to digital advertising. In our article; Let's talk about topics such as what digital advertising is, the differences between digital and traditional advertising, types of digital advertising, and how these types of advertising work.

What is Digital Advertising?

In the shortest and most understandable terms digital advertising; a brand or product, such as an internet-connected computer, phone, tablet, etc. digital to be introduced in environments. In the past, there were more people reading newspapers, flipping through magazines, and watching television. But the internet With the development of technology, this situation decreased and was replaced by digital. In this case, we can say that it is more likely that they will encounter and be affected by digital advertisements than they will be affected by traditional advertisements. Websites, social media platforms and e-commerce sites like digital in media Online shopping is increasing day by day. People prefer online shopping instead of shopping malls because this method does not require any effort and they do not waste time visiting stores.

The number of people who spend approximately 2 and a half hours a day in the virtual world has exceeded 53 percent of the world's population. That means approximately 4.20 billion people visit the virtual world every day. This situation goes up to 8 hours a day for Türkiye. When we look at these rates, we can say that brands and organizations now have to keep up with the digital world to ensure their continuity. Increasing sales rates is possible through digitalization. As they give ads It also has to move from traditional to digitalization.

Differences Between Traditional Advertising and Digital Advertising

In short, for traditional advertising; through mass media such as television, radio, magazines and newspapers We can say that it is a one-way body of work. digital advertising whereas, Internet and through many different methods in digital environments thanks to technology. advert their works. The reason why digital advertising is more advantageous than traditional advertising is that it can reach its target audience in a short and fast way. In addition, it is much more difficult to determine how many people the advertisement reaches in the traditional way compared to digital. This being the case, traditional advertising agencies have also had to change within themselves.

Digital Advertising Types

digital agency used within digital advertising types Let's take a look;

Display (Banner) Advertisement

Display advertising model The type of display advertising, also known as display advertising, is found on websites. It attracts the attention of visitors because it contains both images and text. When clicked on it, it directs you to the site of the brand it sends the message to. It is the cost per click. It is one of the most used types of digital advertising.

PPC Advertising

It is one of the most advantageous advertising models as it provides rapid results and the budget can be controlled. This is an advertising model in which advertisers are charged per click against ads displayed on various media. This advertising model is basically based on cost per click.

Social Media Ads

Instagram, Twitter, Facebook And YouTube It is the advertising of the brand or product by appearing in front of users on social media platforms such as. It has become popular recently. The reason is that social media platforms have become a part of our daily routine.

Influencer Advertising Model

It is one of the newest types of advertising. It is the advertising of a brand or product by people who have high followers on social media platforms. Influencers collaborate and promote brands from different industries that adapt to their content.

Video Ads

Video ads are an old type of advertising. But YouTube'Thanks to the rise of advertising in recent years, it has become one of the most used types of advertising. Videos that appear at the beginning or between the videos fall into this type of advertising. Same way InstagramThe videos that intervene while you are browsing the story are also of this type.

Pop-Up Advertising

on websites is used. Since it appears suddenly during navigation and does not disappear until closed by the user, there is almost no possibility of it not being displayed. This type of advertising should be included on the right site with the right content.

Search Engine Advertisements (SEM&SEO)

Search engine ads of strategies is the most important dynamic. SEO With the right research, you can find yourself priority in the search engine without having to pay any fee. Getting keyword-related ads in front of the right people benefits the brand.

Remarketing Advertising

Since it has the ability to send the right message to the right person, it is a type of advertising that is highly viewed and receives feedback. Especially e-commerce sites It is a strong investment for It shows users products in similar categories that they have previously visited but exited without purchasing.

Native Ads

Native advertising types are delivered to us on many digital platforms without it being obvious that they are advertisements. Partnership other people with whom contents is shown between. An example would be to show the brand of milk used in a recipe video without covering it.

Mobile and Email Ads

Mobile advertising type only appears on phones. This type of advertising belongs to the brand sending regular SMS to its customers to be informed about campaigns and innovations. Email advertising This is done in the same way when reaching customers via e-mail.

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