
Preparing an Effective Banner

We see dozens of advertisements every day, some of them are engraved in our minds, and some we forget within seconds. So where are the details hidden that make small things attractive? What should be included in a correct advertisement? Is preparing advertising visuals an important factor?

That's why preparing advertising visuals can make your ad effective in many types of publications. to marketing It is an important element that translates. So, at what points do advertising visuals differ during the preparation phase?

Visual Quality: No matter which medium you are preparing your advertising visual for, having your visual of high quality will always be beneficial in showing quality advertisements to your entire target audience. Especially in digital ads, you should consider retina display users as well as Mac users. It is always a good idea to upload your images at least 2 times larger than their published size.

Many small things are made big with the right advertising. -Mark Twain

Correct Competitor Analysis: If you are not a single company in the product or service you advertise, you need to use your advertising effectively and stand out from your competitors' advertisements and make yourself known. The most effective way to do this is through accurate competitor analysis and extracted details.

By answering all these questions, you need to review your advertising visuals again and again by comparing them with the work of rival companies.

If you are working on a product or service offered by other brands while preparing an advertising image; Paying attention to the following points will be effective in your customers' decision-making process:

  • Do you differ from the color tones used in competitor advertisements?
  • As a customer, which brand comes to your mind first when you see your advertising image for the first time?
  • At what points do you differ from your competitors' advertising efforts?
  • Are you expressing your product or service in a way that hasn't been described before?
  • Are there any details in your image such as discounts or extra features that will push users to make a decision?
  • Are the product details in the visual presented to customers satisfactory to the customer?
  • Will the user decide to buy the product just by looking at the ad?

Images prepared to share on social media reveal your quality. you too by contacting us You can reach the top with social media management.