What is Google Search Console?

Google Search Console is a free performance measurement and analysis service offered to website owners. Many businesses improve their performance by solving problems on their web pages with Google Search Console. You can use the console to increase your search engine views. Or SEO You can also use this tool to solve or improve your problems. What is Google Search Console and what does it do is a curious topic. If you are curious or researching these issues, you can continue reading our article.

What is Google Search Console?

Google Search Engine

You can have detailed information about your website with the console. GSC is a service provided free of charge by Google to help you improve your site. With CSC, you can check how Google crawls your website, website errors, or whether it is indexed or not.

Google Search console, a comprehensive SEO tool, is a necessary and important tool for you to make improvements in this regard. Thanks to this service, you can find out which keywords perform better in which search results.

Offering many usage tools for your website Google Search Console Thanks to this, you can increase your search engine visibility and grow it even further with the tools offered.

What are Google Search Console Tools?

search console

Being able to effectively use the tools offered by the Google Search console is an important criterion for your web page to have a correct and successful flow. Search console will increase the strategic direction of your website. Let's look at the tools that will help you get ahead of your competitors.


In this section, which we can call the summary section of the tools, performance and scope or development etc. are discussed. You can see the vehicles in the preliminary stage.


With the Speed tool, you can check the speed of your site and make adjustments accordingly. You can monitor your performance with the Speed tool, where you can make improvements to your speed.


You can track how many Google indexes your web page has been added to here. With the coverage tool, you can scan for errors or fix any problems you encounter.


With the performance tool, you can see click rates and many statistics in search results. Average clicks, position, and total impression order are included in the Performance tool. You can also see certain date ranges here.

Url Removal

The section where you can remove pages on your website from Google search results is done with the Url Removal tool.


In the links section, which is divided into two as internal and external links; This is the tool where you can see the most linked pages on your website or external links that link to your website.


Enhancements are the tool through which you can audit your mobile usability and web data or make necessary improvements.

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