Words with Changed Spelling in TDK

Turkish Language Association (TDK) has made changes with the 12th edition of the Current Turkish Dictionary. The dictionary, which has a vocabulary consisting of a total of 132 thousand 334 words, terms, idioms and meanings, 82 thousand 135 of which are at the beginning of the article and 18 thousand 133 within the article, has become compatible with the current structure of our language. As a result of the revisions made in the 12th edition, the spelling of many words was updated.

Here Are Some Words That Have Changed

TDK Changed Some Words

Thanks to TDK's pioneering and authoritative work, the text consisting of 1 million 756 thousand 396 words and 45 thousand 372 example sentences in the dictionary continues to support the rich and correct use of our language. This update, which was carried out in order to adapt to the constantly developing structure of Turkish, social mediaalso attracted great interest.

TDK's efforts contribute to the correct and effective use of our language. Updating the languageshows that language is a living structure or shaped according to the needs of society. Thanks to these updates, our language adapts to the requirements of the age and becomes a richer and more effective communication tool.

TDKThese studies, carried out in line with the mission of protecting and developing our language, once again emphasize the importance of language in social communication. Dictionarycontinues to be a comprehensive language guide that not only linguists but also language lovers of all ages can refer to.

The changed words are as follows:

  1. Doğubeyazıt (Old) / Doğubayazıt (current)
  2. To hit horon (old) / To kick horon (current)
  3. Çiğ Börek (old) / Çi Börek (Current)
  4. Green olives (old) / green olives (current)
  5. Title (old) / Title (current)
  6. Marmara Ereğlisi (old) / Marmaraereğlisi (current)
  7. dodgeball (old) / dodgeball (current)
  8. Relegation (old) / relegation (new)
  9. Trustee (former) / trustee (current)
  10. Scallion (old) / Green onion (current)
  11. under the rug (old) / under the rug (current)
  12. Maple pear (old) / maple pear (current)
  13. Sultan Efendi (former) / Sultanefendi (current)
  14. White lily (old) / white lily (current)
  15. Green pepper (old) / green pepper (current)
  16. boy bos (old) / boy pos (current)
  17. Pleated (old) / Pleated (current)
  18. Yürük (old) / Yörük (current)

New Turkish Words

In conclusion, Turkish Language Society's Current Turkish dictionaryWhile the 12th edition reflects the currentness and vitality of our language, it will continue to support the correct and effective use of our language in the future. The richness and diversity of Turkish will continue to be passed on to future generations thanks to TDK's diligent work.

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